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Retha Onitri, PMP

Restorative Justice Fellow

Retha Onitiri serves as the Restorative Justice Fellow at Salvation and Social Justice (SandSJ). An organizational development consultant, Retha is responsible for strategic planning, program development, project implementation, restorative practices, and grant development. She utilizes change management methodologies, process improvement, and a relational approach to exceed organizational targets. Since joining the SandSJ team in 2021, Retha helped SandSJ secure a large grant to create a community-based restorative violence intervention program and establish a Restorative Justice Hub in Trenton. Retha is the project manager for the Trenton Restorative Street Team and Safe Passage programs. Seeking to build a technology infrastructure for the restorative justice hub, in 2022, Retha helped SandSJ land a grant from Microsoft to develop the Restorative Justice Violence Interruption App (RJVIA), a data driven dashboard application that supports violence prevention and intervention activities. RJVIA Phase I completed in six months on January 23, 2023 

"There must always be a remedy for wrong and injustice if we only know how to find it."

— Ida B. Wells

Retha Onitri, PMP
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